Birding in Fort Collins
Facilitator: Susan Puder, (970) 893-4872 (home), (609)-276-0541 (cell), Dates: Mondays, March 31, April 7 and April 14, 2025 (3 weeks) Time: 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM Text: None Presentations: None
Location: Foxtail 2, Senior Center Class limit: 20
Hey, What’s that Bird? –A bird identification workshop. Learn techniques of how to identify birds, using size, shape, colors, patterns and behavior. Information includes habitat, body language, and other helpful tools you can use to identify more than 400 birds that can be seen in CO. Beginning with a review of Field Guides, so bring yours.
Essentials of Bird Photography—number of topics will be covered to elevate photographic skills and increase knowledge of basic principles of flight and action techniques.
Field trip to practice skills and knowledge learned from the course. Also, photo techniques and tips will be discussed throughout the course.
Susan Puder has been a serious nature and wildlife photographer for over 30 years, using Nikon equipment. Her work has been exhibited in New York City and throughout New Jersey, winning many photo competitions, including the New Jersey Federation of Camera Club’s TOPS in NewJersey. She is a Field Contributor to Nature Photographer Magazine, with articles published in ten issues. Susan was an instructor at Stockton University/Continuing Studies and was both a judge and presenter for the New Jersey Federation of Camera Clubs. She recently moved from NJ to Fort Collins. Susan is a dedicated environmentalist who supports the preservation of open lands and wildlife. As an avid birder, she started the Southern Ocean Birding Group in New Jersey, and is a Board member of the Friends of Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge. New Jersey Birds and Beyond is her first published book. Her work can be viewed at her website