Front Range Forum: Purpose and Procedures


Article I. - Name and Definition

The name of the organization shall be the Front Range Forum. The Front Range Forum (FRF) is a volunteer-run educational program provided in partnership with the Fort Collins Senior Center.

Article II. - Purpose

The Front Range Forum is a learner-directed and facilitator-managed educational program for adults. It is designed to be challenging and innovative and to foster open discussion and social interaction. It operates on the principle: “We learn from each other.”

Article III. - Membership and Dues

Participation in FRF classes and programs shall be open to all interested learners who are members of the Front Range Forum upon payment of quarterly dues. While payment is through the Senior Center, members of the Front Range Forum do not need to be members of the Senior Center. Members shall be allowed to take an unlimited number of classes per term, as space and circumstance allow. Some designated programs may be open to the general public.

Article IV. - Policies and Procedures of the FRF Board

The FRF Board members shall set policies, procedures, and duties for the Front Range Forum. Board members shall also review and vote on class and program proposals. In addition, the FRF Board shall consider members who are recruited or who volunteer to serve on the FRF Board. Diversity in FRF Board members is encouraged.

Article V. - Board Meetings

Board meetings shall be held monthly on the first Wednesday of the month, unless more frequently required by the board. If there is no business to conduct, the monthly meeting may be suspended.

Article VI. - Members of the Board

Board members shall include officers and at-large members. Officers of the FRF Board shall be the following: President, Vice-president, Secretary, Registrar, Newsletter Editor, Web Administrator, Membership Chair, Facilitator Coordinator, and Communications Coordinator. A Senior Center staff member shall be appointed by the Senior Center to work with the FRF Board in an ex officio capacity.

Article VII. –Duties of Officers of the FRF Board

7.1. Duties of the President

The President, as the leader of the FRF Board, shall, with advice from the board members, establish strategic directions for the Front Range Forum. The President shall also set board meeting agendas, chair the meetings, and mediate issues between board members. In addition, the President is the organization’s public face both internally to our members and externally to the Senior Center and other outside parties.

7.2. Duties of the Vice President

The Vice President shall review the Purpose and Procedures document every two years and serve as substitute for the president as needed. The vice president succeeds the president upon completion of his/her term of office.

7.3. Duties of the Secretary

The Secretary shall ensure the accurate recording and distribution of the minutes of the FRF Board meetings and provide their safe storage in the FRF Minutes File.

7.4. Duties of the Registrar

The Registrar shall compile and complete the list of participants for each facilitator’s class, a list that includes the participants’ names, phone numbers, and email addresses. The Registrar shall also maintain a history of the classes, facilitators, and participants as well as manage the lottery process.

7.5. Duties of the Newsletter Editor

The Newsletter Editor shall be responsible for assembling information concerning prospective classes and other educational opportunities for the Front Range Forum’s quarterly newsletter.

7.6. Duties of the Web Administrator

The Web Administrator shall be responsible for all the information on the website.

7.7. Duties of the Membership Chair

The Membership Chair shall be responsible for checking that all participants enrolled in Front Range Forum classes have paid their dues. If not, the Chair shall email a reminder to pay.

7.8. Duties of the Facilitator Coordinator

The Facilitator Coordinator shall elicit and compile course proposals from FRF members, presenting the proposals to the FRF Board for review and approval. Further, the Facilitator Coordinator shall manage all activities relevant to ensuring successful teaching and learning experiences for FRF course facilitators and participants.

7.9. Duties of Communications Chair

The Communications Chair shall be responsible for distributing the Front Range Forum newsletter to past and current members. In addition, the Communications Chair shall keep a list of those who have expressed interest in learning more about the organization and email appropriate material to them.

Article VIII. - Terms of Officers of the FRF Board

The President and Vice President shall be elected by the membership at the FRF Annual Meeting for a two-year term and may be reelected for one additional two-year term. New FRF Board members shall be approved by a vote of the FRF Board and serve a two-year term. Board members may be reappointed by the board for additional terms.

Article IX. - Ad Hoc Committees and Special Interest Groups of the Front Range Forum

Ad hoc committees may be established by the FRF Board as situations and interests arise. Special interest groups may be created and organized by members of the Front Range Forum. Selected board members shall function as liaisons who maintain connections between the FRF Board and the ad hoc committees and special interest groups.

Article X. - Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting shall be held between the first and fifteenth of June. At the annual meeting every even year, the President and the Vice President of the FRF Board shall be elected and installed. Other business that should come before the members will be addressed. Additional meetings of the membership may be called by the Front Range Forum Board as needed.

Meetings shall be conducted according to a generally accepted parliamentary procedure.