The Twinberry Theater at the Fort Collins Senior Center is the venue for our next movie playing on Wednesday, February 11. Doors open at 1:30 pm, the movie starts at 2:00 pm. There will be free popcorn available. Following the movie, a facilitator-led discussion will allow viewers to participate in a dialogue on the film.
Oscar winners Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson reunite with the acclaimed filmmakers Merchant Ivory for this moving story of blind devotion and repressed love. Hopkins plays Stevens, the perfect English butler, as he serves his master, Lord Darlington (James Fox). Like other members of the British upper class in the 1930s, Darlington is duped by the Nazis into trying to establish a rapport between Germany and the British Government. Thompson plays the estate’s housekeeper, who watches the ggoings-on with horror. Despite her apprehensions, she and Stevens gradually fall in love, though neither will admit it.