Oh, the Places You'll Go (Or Already Went)!

Co-Facilitators: Karen Barrett, (970) 402-6109, karen.barrett@colostate.edu, and Terry Barrett, (970) 402-6112, tbarrettt2@gmail.com Dates: Thursdays, April 3. — May 22, 2025 (8 weeks) Time: 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Texts: None Presentations: Presentations are required; however, these need only involve discussing a trip you took. Additional content is optional. Location: Foxtail 2, Senior Center Class Limit: 20

We live in a great big, varied and wonderful world and many Front Range Forum members have been fortunate to travel to lots of historic, colorful and even mysterious places. In this class, each participant will have the chance to do a presentation on their favorite trip and the opportunity to explain why the trip was so memorable or exciting. Or alternatively, participants can talk about a place they would most like to go and why. Whether a past trip was foreign or domestic, here's your chance to share your experience with fellow FRF travelers. Bring your pictures, your souvenirs, your slides, your albums and any other items you wish, but most of all bring your memories of that special trip and what made it so unforgettable. If you want, you can tell class members a bit about the history and/or culture of that unforgettable place (optional).