An Exploration of Spirituality via the Words of an Indigenous Elder

Facilitator: Kay Gillespie, 970-231-8954, Dates: Mondays, March 31 — May 26, 2025 (8 Weeks) Time: 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Text: Spirit Wheel: Meditations from an Indigenous Elder (2023), Stephen Charleston, Broadleaf Books, Cost: $16.37-$19.99 Presentations: 15-20 minutes, on relevant topics are encouraged but not required. Location: Foxtail 2, Senior Center Class limit: 20

Within a context of inclusive spirituality and through discussion of the book Spirit Wheel: Meditations from an Indigenous Elder (Broadleaf Books, 2023) by Stephen Charleston, we will explore Native American spirituality and its intersection with the author’s Christian faith, but most importantly with what he terms the “mystery.” The mood of this book is meditative, poetic, unifying. and hopeful. We will explore Native American imagery and spiritual practices and consider what the concept of spirituality means to us in a diverse society, which may take us into thinking about our own spirituality.

Within the guiding metaphor and image of the Spirit Wheel, the four “hallmarks” of Native American spirituality are Tradition, Kinship, Vision, and Balance. Charleston writes, “The Wheel is life. It is the reality we all inhabit together....the Spirit Wheel is not one tradition or one direction but many traditions, the spiritual reality that encompasses us all (pp. 10-11).”

There will be weekly readings and active discussion, and each week there will be an assigned experiential activity tied to the readings. Participants will be invited to provide brief reports on elements appropriate to the discussion, and suggestions for topics will be provided.