Front Range Forum Goes to the Opera will be on Wednesday, March 19th from 2:00 pm — 4:30 pm at the Foothills Activity Center. Doors open at 1:30 pm, film begins at 2:00 pm. Join the discussion.

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Lunch & Learn

Bring your brown bag lunch and join us for Lunch & Learn. The program starts at 11:45 am in the Twinberry Auditorium and should end at 12:45 pm. We hope that you’ll come, eat your lunch, drink a cup of coffee and connect with other Front Range Forum members. Lunch and Learn is held on the 1st Wednesday of each month.

Come to the Grocery Store with Us!

A given: we all have to eat! For 8 weeks this spring we explored the world of grocery stores, including the dark side of the American supermarket and beyond. We learned a lot, we had a lot of fun, and we hope that we became more knowledgeable consumers. The grocery store is a culturally rich environment, but what does it take to get food to the shelves and into our carts? Many complex questions arise, and we benefit directly from thinking about them. Kay Gillespie and others will share some of what they learned, and we hope that you leave with some good tips!

Earlier Event: September 4
Lunch & Learn
Later Event: January 15
Mystery Book Club